There She Goes Again…

Random Rants from an Arizona Goddess

today is the day... a beginning rant

Published by Just Me under on Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Why is it that we can find so many ways to communicate, that there is so much information out in the world, but yet, who really says anything important or worth listening to?

Here I join the masses in spewing forth the random rants of one person into the sea of intellectual spittle.

Varied "editorials" about politics, relationships, sex, money, funny tid-bits, technology... you might find it all here.

Comment if you must, but know that there is a very clear and often used saying about opinions and assholes.... I agree. However, I get most of my "material" for ranting from the comments and complaints of others, so have at it!!!

“Youth ages. Immaturity is outgrown. Ignorance can be educated and drunkenness sobered, but stupid lasts forever.” - Aristophanes, 5th Century B.C., Greek comic


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Message from the author

Why is it that we can find so many ways to communicate, that there is so much information out in the world, but yet, who really says anything important or worth listening to? Here, I (one of the many "Wonder Women" in America) join the masses in spewing forth random rants into the sea of intellectual spittle. Varied "editorials" about politics, relationships, sex, money, funny tid-bits, technology... you might find it all here.



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